Conversion Optimization (lower) & Visitor Path (above in yellow) (DIAGRAM):
Details of the above Conversion Optimization
& Re-branding Project:
Worked with Design & Creative Director to conceive and develop a new overall branding for Herman Street with the intention of achieving several goals.
- First to increase customer retention and activity by sharing with our customers why they should continue to receive our emails, and return to shop with us at Herman Street. In general to create a friendlier and more informative branding.
- Secondly to add design elements and features to the shopping cart that had been determined through test to increase conversion on a majority of products.
Outcome of Re-branding Project:
- Conversion increased across all products with new designs and features by a minimum of 3%
- Conversion from natural and paid search traffic increased 5% on average
- Engagement with the email newsletters has increased (+8% open rate / +5% click rate)
- Unsubscribe and Spam rates have decreased (-2% unsubscribe / -4% spam)
- 2010 Electronics/Physical: 1%
- 2010 Software: 6%
- 2010 All Products Average: 10%
- 2011 Electronics/Physical: 3%
- 2011 Software: 14%
- 2011 All Products Average: 9%
- 2012 Electronics/Physical: 6%
- 2012 Software: 19%
- 2012 All Products Average: 13%
- 2013 Electronics/Physical: 8%
- 2013 Software: 23%
- 2013 All Products Average: 16%
- 2010 Conversion Average: none
- 2011 Conversion Average: 1%-2%
- 2012 Conversion Average: 4%-6%
- 2013 Conversion Average: 7%-8%
Shopping Cart:
- Average Conversion Rates for Visits to Sale: 4%
- Average Conversion Rates First Time Visitors: 3.8%
- Average Conversion Rates Repeat Visitors: 4.1%
- Average Natural Search Visitor Conversion Rates: 1.50%
- Average Session Length in pages: 4.60%
- Average Cart Abandonment Rate: 54%
- Industry: ecommerce
- Conversion Rate on Emails Average: 1.3%
- Opens: 22.2%
- Clicks: 2.9%
- Soft Bounce: 0.3%
- Hard Bounce: 0.2%
- Abuse: 0.026%
- Unsubscribe: 0.118%
Email Design Timeline for 2010 to 2014 (DIAGRAM)
Email Design Timeline for 2010-2013